MIRAI MEDICAL supports the British Society for Dermatological Surgery (BSDS)

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Attending the 40th Annual Surgery Workshop, 15th -17th April 2024, Newcastle University Medical School, UK.

The BSDS is the UK leader in the field of dermatological surgery. The purpose of the society is to promote, for the public benefit, interest in and knowledge of dermatological surgery. The BSDS have a range of meetings and courses that run throughout the year and MIRAI MEDICAL are pleased to have a long standing and ongoing relationship with the society and will support other meetings throughout the remainder of the year.

Simon Ombler, Sales and Marketing Director for MIRAI MEDICAL said, “It was good to catch up with [clinicians] old and new faces! There is real concern over waiting list times to treat skin cancers and our ePORE® therapy with CUTIS offers patients and their medical team a real opportunity to utilise this to treat skin cancer in an out-patient setting. We are looking forward to working with some key hospitals in 2024 to facilitate new service development”.


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